Saturday 10 December 2011

Pleural mesothelioma

English: pleural mesothelioma

4.Therapie and Forecast
First Definition
The pleural mesothelioma is a malignant neoplasia (mesothelioma) of pleura.
Second Etiology
The pleural mesothelioma is over 90% of cases associated with asbestos exposure. It is therefore a recognized occupational disease. Inhalation of asbestos dust and between the manifestation of pleural mesothelioma can take decades. An asbestosis of the lung does not necessarily precede.

Third Clinic
The growth of mesothelioma is slow, but very destructive. It infiltrated the local environment and therefore takes on the lungs, chest wall and each other adjacent organs. Distant metastases are not typical, usually occur only in late stages and mainly bone, liver and kidney.
The symptoms are adhesions of the tumor in his environment and reduced pulmonary function due and includes:
Dyspnea (respiratory insufficiency)
Pain on breathing movements

3.1. Diagnostics

The physical examination revealed decreased breath sounds and a knock sound attenuation in the affected part of the lung.
Apparatus and invasive diagnostics are needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Chest x-ray reveals a pleural thickening, pleural effusion, or often a change in terms of pleural thickening. A computed tomography of the thorax can confirm the suspicion. The finding is more differentiated than in the X-ray. In addition, there are frequent changes in terms of exposure to asbestos (asbestosis, plaques).
A definitive diagnosis is only by direct observation and obtain a biopsy followed by pathological examination. This can be a thoracoscopy or a small thoracotomy.
4th Therapy and prognosis
The prognosis for mesothelioma is poor. A mono-or polychemotherapy or radiotherapy are usually not successful. Better results may in some cases, intracavitary, regional chemotherapy, eg bring with cisplatin. Surgical interventions are successful only in exceptional cases with favorable surgical options. Affected patients usually die within 18 months.
Therapy should therefore be carried out by exhausting all possibilities of palliative care. Pain should be treated consistently, complications of tumor growth can be treated symptomatically.

Neoplasia | Pleura
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